
Stiegl Extreme Blobbing

Man jumping from a blob into the water at AREA 47, Ötztal, Tyrol

Extreme blobbing - big jumps & spectacular tricks!
The bravest splash divers on the scene, overcoming gravity with the most incredible tricks. Screws, multiple front and back flips with airstands of up to 20 metres.

Uhrzeit 16:00 – 19:30
Location Lakeside Restaurant
Preis Erwachsene 00,00 €, Kinder 00,00 €
Anmeldung Telefonisch: +43 5266 876 76,
per E-Mail: info@area47.at

Ready for action? At Extreme Blobbing, the bravest splash divers fly up to 20 metres high and perform breathtaking tricks – including twists, front flips and back flips! Experience pure adrenaline action in the Water AREA, plus cool vibes, the Stiegl VIP area and brilliant raffle prizes. Free entry from 16:00!